In this course, I would say assessments are facilitated by engaging learners in real-life experiences. There are two types of assessment which are formative and summative assessments. Formative assessment occurs during the learning process and provides learners with feedback that they can use to improve their performance. In contrast, summative assessment typically occurs at the end of a unit of study and evaluates learners’ overall performance. The instructor would give the learner feedback about their performance on each assessment and allow them to incorporate that feedback into subsequent assessments while the instructor uses summative at the end of the learning experience which is a final assessment of the learner’s performance.

In week 1, we learned about the three learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. Behaviorism is a theory of learning that emphasizes observable behaviors and external stimuli as the primary factors influencing behavior, it posits that behavior is learned through conditioning, which occurs through interactions with the environment. Cognitivism is a learning theory that focuses on internal mental processes, such as thinking, memory, problem-solving, and information processing, as the primary drivers of learning play in facilitating learning. cognitivism provides a framework for understanding the internal cognitive processes involved in learning and emphasizes the active construction of knowledge by learners. Constructivism is a learning theory that posits learners actively construct their understanding and knowledge of the world through experiences, interactions, and reflection. Constructivism highlights the importance of social interaction and collaboration in the learning process. Learners learn through interactions with others, such as peers, teachers, and experts, as they engage in discussions, collaborative activities, and joint problem-solving tasks. The objectives of this course are Constructing and identifying well-aligned learning design strategies, identifying various theoretical/design models appropriate for the learning context, Identifying and evaluating various digital, networked, and open technologies, and understanding how they impact the learners and the learning process and also develop an interactive learning resource supported by current research. Since this course is more practical in learning, so far, we have had practical experience of learning how to open our blog and our blog, we subscribed to groups where we get to engage in discussions and collaborative activities and we get to ask instructors for assistance when we face difficulties. to groups where and at the end of the class we are expected to have created our learning design, so I would say the theory used in this course is the constructivist theory. In most of my other classes, I would say they have been more of cognitivism even though they all had group work, focusing on internal mental processes, such as thinking, memory, problem-solving, and information processing, as the primary drivers of learning they have been more of transfer of learning, which refers to the application of knowledge and skills learned in one context to new situations or tasks.

I am adept at expressing ideas clearly, actively listening to others, and breaking complex information into understandable concepts. However, one of my communication weaknesses is sometimes processing information could take a while. I would like to grow in this area by practicing processing information quickly.

I consider myself more of an introvert, preferring smaller group interactions or one-on-one conversations over large social gatherings. I live in Victoria, BC(PDT )

 I prefer doing academic work during the morning hours or in the evening after taking a nap when I feel most focused and energized. When I am upset, I tend to keep it to myself initially, but I am open to sharing it with others if it becomes necessary.

One thing I like about group work is the opportunity to collaborate with others, leverage diverse perspectives, and collectively tackle complex tasks or projects. However, what I don’t like about group work is sometimes encountering unequal distribution of workload, differing levels of commitment among team members, and challenges in coordinating schedules and communication.

Lastly, I would like my team to know that I am committed to contributing my best efforts, communicating openly and respectfully, and collaborating effectively to achieve our shared goals. I value clear communication, mutual respect, and teamwork in our endeavors.